Traces and Memories embraces different artistic positions that are invested in asking difficult questions in regard to various visible traces from the past, and about the invisible personal and collective memories. While traces are usually considered to be visual remnants and consequences of certain past actions or objects in the present, memories establish cognitive relations between the past and present. The cross-generational transfer of shared memories helps us establish meanings and significance of certain events from the past even if we haven’t experienced them. The invited artists address various multi-layered memories that are constantly reassessed because the threads between the material and mnemonic traces are interwoven and gradually become blurred by the “lint” of remained fragments. The exhibited works look at the ways in which the remembrances of personal and historic events are intertwined and how the personal narratives incorporate the vestiges of socio-political turbulences and lingering social changes.
Suzana Milevska
Curator of Traces and Memories