
Digital video, sound, colour, duration: 03:56 min
Skagaströnd, Iceland
Copyright: Violeta Čapovska, 2023
NES Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Iceland
Digital video, sound, colour, duration: 02:26 min
Copyright: Violeta Čapovska, 2023
NES Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Iceland
Digital video, sound, colour, duration: 05:07 min
Copyright: Violeta Čapovska, 2023
NES Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Iceland
Digital video, sound, colour, duration: 07:06 min
Île Saint-Louis, Quai de Bourbon, Paris
Video camera: Istok Chapovski
Music: Gorazd Chapovski
Violeta Čapovska, Sequana 2022
Digital video, colour, sound, duration: 02:24 minutes.
Video camera: Violeta Čapovska and Istok Chapovski
Music: Gorazd Chapovski
Courtesy of the artist
Cité internationale des arts
Violeta Čapovska SALT , 2019/20
From the performance Land Print project 3 ‘Salt’
Videography: Istok Chapovski
Music: Gorazd Capovski
Shot at the location: Small Lake, Baba Planina (el 2180 m) Macedonia 2018
Edition 5
Video 3 min 10 sec
Directed and edited by Violeta Capovska
Features: Olivia Davis
Courtesy of the artist
In the video Hypnosis (2004), Davis is telling her own very personal story of being hypnotised in Melbourne as a young woman. Her role changes from someone who simply acts in the first video The Love sick girl (2004), repeating words from St Vincent’s hospital archives (Melbourne), to someone who has a voice and actively creates her own narrative in Hypnosis (2004) and Therapy(2011).
Video 5 min 3 sec
Featuring: Olivia Davis
Text from St Vincent's hospital, Melbourne archives
Courtesy of the artist
Video still
Courtesy of the artist
Video, VHS, 2 tapes, 30 min and 50 min each
Perfect Match, Public Art Project, Capital and Gender, 2001
Skopje City Centre
UNI IMPEKS- Children clothing store
Museum of the City of Skopje, Curator: Dr Suzana Milevska
Mothers’ Group feature interviews of 6 mothers in Skopje and 6 in Melbourne, forming a dialogue between different cultures.